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Boston Baptist College Update

You should see this place

by David Melton I know most of you don’t get to Boston very often. That’s a shame. You should come. Our city is one of the world’s great cities and our campus may well be […]

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President Perspective

World changers, not wind chasers

by Linzy Slayden When the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes determined his purpose in life, he started by accumulating a vast sum of money, only to discover that it didn’t provide the meaning he […]

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Worldwide Missions

From everywhere … to everywhere

by Jon Konnerup In the past 60 years, the churches of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International have developed a burden for this world manifested through their incredible giving to missions and sending of mission­aries. By […]

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Church Planting

NCPO helps rebirth churches, too

by Wayne Guinn The NCPO is not only helping start brand new churches, but it is also helping to rebirth languishing churches. We believe this is an important work too. It was exciting for the […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

What Cairo taught me about Boston

by David Melton Everybody is watching Egypt. Just a year ago some of us from Bos­ton Baptist College took a study trip to Egypt, so the Egyptian drama feels close to home. But not only […]

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President Perspective

The power of synergy

by Linzy Slayden Synergy is defined as a “mutually advantageous conjunction of par­ticipants” or more simply as “combined action.” To illustrate the concept of synergy all we have to do is think of a job […]

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Worldwide Missions

Why is missions important?

by Mike Frazier BBFI First Vice President, Missions Let me begin by thanking you for your vote of confidence in elect­ing me as First Vice President of the BBFI. It’s an honor for me to […]

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Church Planting

2010 Year of challenge and blessing

by Wayne Guinn The year 2010 is now history. Looking back, there were some real challenges but many blessings. From the reports I can get, at least 34 new churches were birthed last year. Several […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

Priority two: strong general education

by Jim Edge At Baptist Bible College, our first priority will always be the spiri­tual formation of our students. They must have an unshakable faith and a strong heart for Christ. A second priority we […]