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Boston Baptist College Update

What you did in Boston

by David Melton W e are pretty happy in Boston these days. After months of planning and hard work by our entire college family, our privilege to host the BBF for three days has passed […]

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President Perspective

The law of the harvest

by Linzy Slayden This is harvest time of the year. Most city slickers don’t have a clue about that sowing and reaping stuff. Neither did I until I was in the seventh grade when my […]

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Worldwide Missions

Times are a-changing

by Jon Konnerup W e hear the phrase “times are a-changing” more and more when it comes to world missions. I hear of various methods of reaching out to the physical and spiritual needs of […]

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Church Planting

A church-planting DNA

by Wayne Guinn If I understand Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8 correctly, I believe a true New Testament church will have as part of its DNA a desire to reproduce itself by birthing another church. […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

BBC upgrading

by Jim Edge In recent days we have frequently heard the term “downgrade.” Most recently in conversations concerning our national debt. Truthfully, we have seen many things downgraded in recent years. Much of our culture, […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Ten more

by David Melton I taught a group of students at Boston Baptist College this morn­ing. They are primarily juniors and seniors, so in a year — maybe two — they will graduate from Boston. What […]

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President Perspective

A Fellowship of joy

by Linzy Slayden Happiness comes from an old English word happ which literally means “chance.” It corresponds with the Latin word fortuna which means “luck.” If things happen the way we want them to happen, […]

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Worldwide Missions

New information to consider

by Jon Konnerup A topic being widely discussed today is how younger generations are more interested in participating in tangible mission projects than in giving a fixed monthly amount of money. Well, the BBFI has […]

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Church Planting

The other way NCPO helps churches

by Wayne Guinn The NCPO does a variety of work in the BBFI, among them, working with existing churches, helping them to rethink their finances, and find solutions to get them on their feet again. […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

A place like Boston

by David Melton Like so many days, I spent last night traveling home — to Boston. On the way home I thought a good bit about the National BBFI Meeting we are privileged to host […]