Devotional - Higher Ground

Your Good Enough Will Never Be Good Enough

By Jon Haley, Pastor, Hallmark Church, Fort Worth, TX, President, BBFI Read Matthew 5:3. Your good enough will never be good enough. Believe it or not, this is good news. Jesus, while teaching His disciples […]

Devotional - Higher Ground

Learning To Be A Student

By Randy Harp, Director, Baptist Bible Fellowship International Central Office, Springfield, MO Read Matthew 5:1-2. Over the past several years, I have had the privilege of teaching at a local Bible college. I love to […]

Devotional - Searching for Wisdom

Mode Matters

Proverbs 29 by Rob Willis

“It’s easy to let personal stances on issues become personal attacks on character, and we then stray from wise restraint to foolish venting.” […]

Devotional - Searching for Wisdom

No Less, No More

Proverbs 26 by Jonas Larkin

“Wisdom is found in “staying in your lane”—faithfully stewarding the opportunities and responsibilities the Lord has entrusted to you.” […]