Praying Like Jesus Did
If you run a ministry college in the 21stcentury I’m pretty sure you pray. I do. I’ve often said that we pray “best” in a crisis, so my college work makes me prolific, sort of! But […]
If you run a ministry college in the 21stcentury I’m pretty sure you pray. I do. I’ve often said that we pray “best” in a crisis, so my college work makes me prolific, sort of! But […]
Praying for other Christians is one of the sweetest benefits of being part of the church. God provides us a community of people with whom we get to share life. What a great privilege to […]
Millennials Projected to Overtake Baby Boomers as America’s Largest Generationscreams the headline by Richard Fry highlighting info by PewResearch.org. Millennials are on the cusp of surpassing Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living adult generation […]
The Warrior Conference hosted by Granite United Church and pastor Anthony Milas celebrated their 20th year May 31 through June 2, 2018. This year’s conference saw 1,200 men from 33 churches from all across New […]
It was March, 1972, on the campus of Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. I had been raised a committed deistic evolutionist, and now all of two years old in the Lord, I was still […]
Many of us would admit that much too often we begin our strategies, plans and ideas without seeking the will of God. How often have we had a thought or an idea for our church […]
It’s been twenty-five years since I started journaling my journey, and I’m still doing it. It is the most effective way I have found to develop a habit of prayer. My wife, JoAnn and I […]
Each of us should have a deep desire to see more missionaries surrendering to go to the mission field – not only to the near and far places, but also to the hard places. What […]
Our actions are driven by our values. If we believe that something is important or beneficial or if it will bring us pleasure or profit, then we will do it. The things we value becomes […]
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