On February 18, 2018, Broadway Baptist Church in Sweetwater, Texas held a law enforcement appreciation event called “We ♥ Blue.” Guest speaker of the event was recently retired pastor Rick Brann. In attendance were Sweetwater Mayor Jim McKenzie, Nolan County Constable Stephen Smith, Nolan County Sheriff David Warren, Sweetwater Chief of Police Brian Frieda, and members of the local sheriff and police departments, along with several retired law enforcement personnel.
Gifts of appreciation were given to all law enforcement personnel, as well as to the local department heads. A proclamation was also read by Mayor McKenzie honoring the efforts of those who serve in the community. Following Brann’s sermon, which cited several of his personal experiences in law enforcement, a special luncheon was provided by church members.
Shown with Chris Stephens (front row, kneeling), pastor of Broadway, are the current and retired law enforcement personnel that attended “We ♥ Blue,” along with their family members. Brann’s sermon can be found on Broadway Baptist’s YouTube page.