Shortly after the September, in-person National Fellowship Meeting, scheduled to be held in Kansas City at Antioch Baptist Church was postponed to 2021, the BBFI Communication Office began making plans to host the first-ever, BBFI Virtual Conference.
The dates for this online conference are the same as the previously scheduled September National Fellowship Meeting, September 14-16. The times are altered, however. The conference will be live-streamed on multiple platforms from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Central Standard Time) each day. There is much working going into making this online-only event as engaging and interactive as possible, including prizes and giveaways (maybe even some door dashed delivered meals).
There will be several different elements each day including keynote speakers, TED Talks, panel discussions, interviews, and breakout groups hosted in Zoom meetings. Reports will be provided by the BBFI entities and Wednesday afternoon will include a strong missions emphasis with reports from missionaries all around the world, short messages from national pastors, and an introduction to the newest approved BBFI missionaries.
So excited for this!