The BBFI Mission Office hosted the August meeting of the Missouri BBF on Monday, August 9, 2021. Over 40 attended, including pastors, staff, wives, BBC faculty and staff, missionaries, and mission office personnel.
BBFI Mission Director, Jon Konneruup, opened the meeting with a report of how God is continuing to work through BBFI missionaries and national pastors around the world as they reach the lost and start new churches. His presentation ended with a reminder of the Project 938 Challenge and an emphasis on the need for more missionaries and our responsibility to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers into these ripe fields. Click here for more information on Project 9:38.
Several BBFI missionaries shared the need to pray for more laborers to join them in their respective mission fields. BBC President, Mark Milioni, shared an encouraging report on the opening of a new semester at Baptist Bible College. BBC faculty, Kevin Carson and Craig Dunning shared positive reports as well.
Chadd Harkrider, pastor of Southside Baptist Church in Springfield, MO, gave a charge encouraging all pastors present to lead their churches in praying for more missionaries. The meeting concluded with a season of prayer led by Bob Stephenson, pastor of Graceway Baptist Church in Springfield, MO.
The next meeting of the MOBBF will be held on October 11, 2021, at Sonrise Baptist Church in Ozark, MO, hosted by pastor Kevin Carson.