BBFI 2024 National Fellowship Meeting Personal Reflections

Personal Reflections

Jon Haley, BBFI president, Hallmark Church, Forth Worth, TX

The word that best captures the spirit of the National BBFI meeting in South Dakota is UNITY. Our Fellowship is united around the shared goal of making disciples of all nations, a passion that has been at the heart of this movement since its founding. While in the past we may have been distracted by secondary issues, I believe God is bringing a renewed spirit of unity as we come together with a singular focus on advancing the Gospel. The greatest need in the world today is JESUS, and now more than ever, the pastors and churches of the BBFI recognize that this is the most important mission we can accomplish together.

I am excited to see how God will continue to bless and multiply the BBFI’s efforts to reach all nations with the Good News of salvation.

Andy Daniel, Mercy Gate Church, Box Elder, SD

The 2024 September National BBFI Fellowship Meeting in Rapid City, SD, was an incredible encouragement to our area, our church, our newly formed state fellowship, and to me personally! Just three years ago, there wasn’t a single BBFI church in South Dakota, and now we have two. It’s truly inspiring to see how God is moving in the Dakotas, especially through a fellowship that carries such a passionate burden for the lost.

It was absolutely amazing to witness how many pastors, churches, ministries, and seminaries came together for this year’s meeting. I knew it would be successful, but I had no idea just how large and impactful it would be! The final session beneath Mount Rushmore gave me chills as President Jon Haley delivered a powerful message about the vision of our fellowship—a vision to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth, even to the fruited plains and majestic mountains of the Black Hills.

Personally, this meeting was incredibly special and touched my heart in many ways. It was both an honor and a blessing to host subcommittee meetings at our new church plant in Box Elder, Mercy Gate Church. I was also thrilled to see my alma mater, Mission University, show up in full force for Jesus, from leading worship to having President Mark Milioni speak on behalf of the school.

Overall, I left the 2024 September Fellowship Meeting deeply encouraged and blessed. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who served and made this gathering possible. If this year’s meeting is any indication of what God has in store for our fellowship and for the state of South Dakota, I can’t wait to see how He will continue to work in and through us moving forward!

Matt Price, Connection Church, Sturgis, SD

I want to take a moment to thank each of you for joining us in Rapid City, SD, for the BBFI’s 2024 annual meeting.

One of the things I value most about the BBFI is the strong sense of fellowship—not only between the BBFI and the local churches it supports, but also among pastors and their families. It’s a unique gift God has given our fellowship, and once again, it was a source of great encouragement to me and my family this year.

I hope you were as challenged as I was throughout the week by our speakers, who boldly addressed the importance of Christian unity and the need to keep pressing forward for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks again for joining us in South Dakota. 

Bob Stephenson, Graceway Baptist Church, Springfield, MO

It was such a blessing to gather for fellowship and encouragement amidst the stunning beauty of the Black Hills! Every session of our September Baptist Bible Fellowship meeting deeply touched my heart. The preaching was both inspiring and challenging, and we had the privilege of recognizing new church planters and approving new missionaries. It’s always a joy to reconnect with pastor and missionary friends and make new acquaintances along the way. One of the most unforgettable moments was singing, praying, and preaching at the foot of Mount Rushmore on the final evening. I am so grateful for our Fellowship—God is doing great things in the BBFI!

Nathan Burch, Aurora Baptist Church, Aurora, MO

What a blessing it is to be part of the BBFI! I thoroughly enjoyed my time in South Dakota, celebrating the successes of our Apex Church Planters and BBFI Missionaries. Reconnecting with old friends and former staff made the experience even more special. A heartfelt thank you to Randy, the Executive Committee, and Pastor Daniel for an inspiring, uplifting, and truly motivational week!

Caitlin Wahe, W.I.N. Missionary

Attending a fellowship meeting for the first time as a missionary was an incredible experience. I left feeling encouraged, emboldened, and challenged to press on in the work of the ministry. What stood out to me the most was when Max Kennedy, a Missionary to Nicaragua, shared the powerful reminder that we are called to be unified, not uniform. This is such a vital truth, as each of us serves in unique contexts, yet we can rejoice in the common bond of faith we share. If you’re feeling discouraged or isolated, or if it’s been a while since you attended a meeting, I strongly encourage you to come—you’ll leave feeling truly refreshed!

David Klass, Friendship Baptist Church, Clancy, MT

I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the recent national BBFI meeting in South Dakota. The theme was perfectly chosen and thoughtfully developed, and the fellowship was, as always, so refreshing. I was especially impressed by the careful preparation and attention to detail that made the event so impactful.

The two biggest highlights for me were:

First, the moving testimonies shared by missionaries Kshitiz & Brenna Ghimire and Rich & Krista Moeller during the missions field rep meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Hearing the intricate details of how they were saved, called into missions, and brought together to form powerful ministry teams was absolutely incredible—there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

Second, the response to the invitation at the Mount Rushmore amphitheater after Jon Haley delivered a powerful and convicting message. The setting, combined with the undeniable presence of the Holy Spirit, made it an unforgettable and deeply moving moment!

Dean Hughes, Eastside Baptsit Church, Topeka, KS

“Refreshing” is the word that perfectly captures the BBFI meeting in South Dakota. It was refreshing to enjoy rich fellowship with other ministry leaders and their wives, and to witness how God is moving in our churches, church plants, and through the approval of new missionaries. It was refreshing to refocus on the power of the Gospel and the unity it brings to our movement. Worshiping in such unique settings—both at Mount Rushmore and ‘The Box’—was an incredible experience. And on a personal note, it was refreshing to spend quality time with my wife in the beauty of God’s creation. Being part of the BBFI is truly refreshing!

Gary Jayne, Somis Community Church, Somis, CA

What a tremendous blessing it was to experience our first national meeting in South Dakota, hosted by two new church plants with the support and guidance of our Central Office. It was a true joy to meet three other new church plants and hear their heartfelt passion for sharing the Gospel. One story that continues to resonate with me is of the young man sitting on a bar stool before a pre-service church plant, saying, “I’ve been looking for this.” Moments like these remind us why we do what we do. I believe we all returned home inspired and encouraged to stay focused on the one thing that matters most to our communities—the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Heiu Tran, BBFI Missionary

We had an incredible week in South Dakota, reconnecting with old friends and fellow laborers in the Gospel. It was a truly refreshing time, reigniting our passion for the vision of the Baptist Bible Fellowship. We left feeling deeply inspired by the future of this fellowship and its unwavering commitment to church planting and global missions. We are proud to serve as missionaries under such a great fellowship and are incredibly grateful to the wonderful host churches in South Dakota for their hospitality and support.

Linzy Slayden, Friendship Baptist Church, Owasso, OK

When it was announced that Rapid City, South Dakota, would host the September 2024 National BBFI Meeting, I was thrilled! What an incredible, historic location to serve as the backdrop for the Fellowship’s important work.

We live in a world that is not only digitalized but increasingly depersonalized. There has never been a greater need than now for the personal touch of friendship and fellowship, and I see that reflected in the BBFI. We are a diverse fellowship—a “big tent” that stretches across our nation and reaches around the world. Just like people, no two churches are exactly alike, but they all share a common mission: to preach the Word and reach their communities and the world.

Our time in Rapid City was refreshing, informative, and challenging, reminding us of the vital connection we share in the greatest work on earth. When we gather, we are enriched, encouraged, and uplifted. As we reflect on what’s happening around us, it’s clear we are truly blessed in the BBFI. This meeting was exceptional, and I’m grateful to everyone who made it possible.

Jeff Smith, Friendship Baptist Church, Owasso, OK

I’ve been attending BBFI Fellowship Meetings for over 20 years, and I truly appreciate that our Lead Pastor, Linzy Slayden, recognizes the value of bringing our staff to these gatherings. I would highly encourage every lead pastor to bring their team—it’s such a worthwhile investment.

The host churches and locations are always fantastic, offering a wonderful opportunity to connect with ministry friends and share experiences. This recent meeting in Box Elder, South Dakota, was no exception. John Strope challenged us to see our ministries through the eyes of Jesus, a timely reminder in today’s fast-paced world where filters can so easily cloud our perspective. Our staff also attended the Digital Blueprint breakout session, and we’re excited to implement this valuable resource in our church.

Joe Bergen, Seeley Lake Baptist Church

After several years away from a national meeting, it was such a joy to reconnect with old friends and renew those valuable relationships. The “One Family” spirit of our fellowship was truly reinforced. 

As for the sessions, where do I even begin? I attended every session, two breakout workshops, and the missions approval meetings. It’s hard to pick a single highlight, but as always, missions stood out. Even in sessions that weren’t specifically about missions, the focus remained missional. David Klass was classic, delivering his usual impactful message, and John Stroup was incredibly inspiring as he reminded us to reach out to the often-overlooked groups in our communities. Josh from Orlando was an unexpected bonus, and Max Kennedy laid the foundation with depth and strength, setting the stage for Linzy Slayden to knock it out of the park. The host pastors did an excellent job and reminded us of the ongoing success of church planting over the years. Jon Haley wrapped up the meeting with a powerful conclusion in such a unique setting that left me pondering—who would be on the BBFI’s Mount Rushmore?

Despite the eleven-hour drive and an unfortunate double-deeper impact, it was absolutely worth it to attend and be reminded of why we do what we do for Christ.

Joe Roberts, ConnectionPoint Ministries, Abilene, TX

As a new church plant, life can feel incredibly busy. Balancing the demands of the church and working full-time often makes it challenging to manage everything. 

My wife and I both understand that this is simply a busy season, so taking time off to attend the National Meeting in South Dakota wasn’t easy. However, we knew it would be more than just an opportunity to connect with others who are serving and making an impact—it was also a chance for us to enjoy each other’s company and take a much-needed break.

We thoroughly enjoyed our time in South Dakota. It was encouraging to witness how God is moving and working in that area and to reconnect with old friends. More than anything, though, we were uplifted by the encouraging atmosphere, the powerful worship, and the inspiring messages. It was a refreshing trip, and we’re so grateful for the experience.

Joel Byers, Central Baptist Church, Tyler, TX

The National BBFI Meeting in South Dakota was an incredible time of fellowship with pastors from all across the country. Hundreds of pastors, spouses, church staff, missionaries, and church planters—spanning all generations—came together in one room to worship and connect. Hosting the meeting at three new church plant locations was a powerful testament to the fact that the BBFI is still moving forward, planting churches, and sending missionaries. 

One of my favorite moments was the outdoor service at Mount Rushmore. It was such a unique and awe-inspiring experience to praise our Heavenly Father at such a memorable location. What I love most about these meetings is reconnecting with my pastor friends, sharing fellowship, and encouraging one another. Ministry is hard, and we need each other for support and strength. 

We’re beyond excited to host the 75th Anniversary of the BBFI in Tyler next September, and we hope you’re already making plans to attend!

John Reilly, Beacon Baptist Church, Taylor, MI

Our time in South Dakota was truly amazing. The breathtaking scenery, combined with the uplifting meetings, made it an unforgettable experience. 

Missions Day is always a highlight for me, and this year was no exception. I was deeply moved by the testimonies of two newly approved missionaries and one who was reactivated. We heard inspiring stories of a faithful pastor and missionary who each invested in the life of a couple, bringing them to a place of service for the Lord. There was also a powerful account of two people reunited after many years, now serving God together. And finally, the story of a woman who, after the loss of her husband, returned to the mission field to continue the work God had called them to. 

My heart was deeply touched and encouraged by seeing how God uses different people in various circumstances to accomplish His work!

John Theisen, Midway Church, Pilot Point, TX

The recent national meeting was both incredibly fruitful and refreshing. The results of our collective efforts were evident in the generosity of the host churches, many of which are either new plants or revitalizations. It was a joy to witness how God orchestrated partnerships between Freeway Ministries, Mission University, and generous congregations to equip men to lead outward-focused, generous churches in South Dakota. It was also encouraging to hear from the Southern Baptist leadership in the Dakotas, who generously supported these efforts. God’s grace is reaching more people in the Dakotas, and that is something worth celebrating!

Another highlight was celebrating the continued collaboration in approving and sending missionaries. One powerful story involved a father in Asia who came to Christ, his son followed in faith, and that son received Bible training at Mission University. Now, he and his wife are returning to his homeland as missionaries with a deep burden for their people. It’s amazing how God allows us to play a part in His work, with eternal impact.

Not every pastor has the privilege of attending national meetings, but I am deeply grateful for the many who faithfully lead their churches in praying for and supporting our missionaries and the BBFI Missions Office.

Kim and I were refreshed by reconnecting with old friends and making new ones—relationships we truly treasure. The service at Mount Rushmore was memorable in so many ways. I’m thankful for all the careful planning and hosting by Mercy Gate Church (Rapid City), Connection Church (Sturgis), and our Central Office Director, Randy Harp.

Ken Liles, missionary

I attended my first BBFI meeting at just six years old, held at my home church, Twin City Baptist in Mishawaka, IN, with Dr. Victor Sears. It was the most exciting experience of my life at that time—even more so because I got to vote!

Growing up, I developed a deep love for BBFI meetings, and that passion has remained. We attend whenever we can.

This year, “The Box” was an incredible venue, and our presence had a real impact both there and at the amphitheater. The public Bible reading was especially powerful—I even had several people ask who our group was.

The word that resonated with me during this meeting was “Loyalty.” It was thrilling to hear about the church plants and connect with new believers, including one woman who proudly shared she’d been sober for 18 months. She mentioned how her church had been praying for this very meeting.

To me, that’s what the Fellowship is all about—new life.

Marc Leverett, Bridge Church, Fort Collins, CO

It’s been quite a while since I last attended a BBFI national meeting. For some time, I’ve had to prioritize my travel and resources to visit my elderly loved ones, who have been dealing with health issues. But with this meeting being close enough and my schedule aligning perfectly, I was able to attend—and I’m so thankful I did! 

It was such a joy to reconnect with old friends, many of whom were my classmates at BBC (now Mission University). The worship, testimonies, and preaching deeply fed my soul and truly recharged my spirit.

Marty Hughes, Grace Harbor Church, Grove, OK

The BBFI National Meeting in South Dakota was incredibly encouraging. Despite the remote location, there was an impressive turnout, and it was especially heartening to see a marked increase in younger pastors—a need our fellowship has long recognized. The BBFI’s recent emphasis on church planting is bearing wonderful fruit, as evidenced by the church plants that hosted the meeting. These new churches are strategically positioned in areas of growth that our fellowship has historically overlooked, and it’s clear that God is blessing their efforts in remarkable ways.

The speakers delivered powerful messages, urging us to refocus our hearts and efforts on our shared mission, emphasizing the bonds we share as a spiritual family and casting a unified vision for the future. 

As always, Missions Morning was a highlight of the week, showcasing how God is answering our Project 938 prayers. I returned home with a renewed passion for the work God has called me to, and a deep gratitude for the Baptist Bible Fellowship and the ways God is blessing both here at home and across the globe.

Nicko Guyer, WIN Missionary

This year’s National Fellowship Meeting was an incredible time filled with fellowship, worship, and solid teaching. As a missionary, it was such a blessing to network with pastors and fellow missionaries throughout the week. The highlight for me is always the approval of new missionaries and hearing their powerful testimonies. It’s a beautiful reminder that God is still at work, continually calling people to serve Him across the globe.

Randy Abell, Heartland Baptist Church, Ames, IA

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed traveling to a part of the country we had never visited before. Seeing Mount Rushmore on Wednesday evening, spotting a herd of buffalo in Custer State Park on Thursday, and exploring “Bear Country U.S.A.” were highlights in themselves. Even trying buffalo burgers and buffalo chili was a unique experience! But as amazing as all of that was, the best part of the trip, as always, was the meeting and fellowship.

The evening sermons were all home runs, and the morning sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday were equally impactful. I always appreciate seeing missionaries honored and new missionaries approved, but my favorite part, as you’d expect, was presenting our new church planters and hearing reports from others.

As I shared during the “Church Planting Hour,” after presenting three new church plants in Ohio, Alabama, and Texas, our fellowship now has 28 active church plants—stretching literally from coast to coast and border to border. This not only fulfills the “Samaria” portion of the Great Commission, but it’s also helping to rebuild our fellowship. These new churches will go on to support missionaries, send students to Bible colleges, attend fellowship meetings, and, in time, start or support even more churches.

I left South Dakota encouraged and confident that our fellowship is alive and thriving!

Terry Kizer, APEX Church Planting

It was such a joy to be in South Dakota for the National Meeting and witness our church planters in action. Andy and Tabitha Daniel in Box Elder, and Matt and Missy Price in Sturgis, are doing an incredible job reaching their communities with the hope of the gospel. The church Andy pastors, Mercy Gate, is growing so quickly that they will be launching a second service in October to accommodate the increase in attendance. We had the privilege of being with Matt and Missy on Sunday, and their congregation was so welcoming, with excellent facilities to match.

The meeting itself was outstanding! I love the spirit of our fellowship and our shared passion for impacting the world through our colleges, missionaries, and church planting efforts. We were excited to introduce Joe and Jeir Roberts as our newest APEX Church planters, serving in Abilene, Texas. Reconnecting with longtime friends like Jon Bergen and Jeff Price was a real highlight, and seeing so many young leaders present gives me great hope for the future.

It was truly a great meeting, and I am so thankful!

Terry Thompson, Small Church USA

The BBFI annual meeting in Rapid City, South Dakota, was an incredible blessing for Kelly and me. Several aspects stood out, but two in particular made a lasting impact. First, the spirit of unity was unmistakable. The atmosphere was warm, welcoming, friendly, and full of energy, creating a healthy sense of togetherness that signals great days ahead for the fellowship. Second, the final evening service at Mount Rushmore was a memory we’ll cherish forever. The Mission University worship team was exceptional, and President Jon Haley’s message from Acts 4 cast a clear, biblical vision for the future. In short, we’d say—WELL DONE!

Tracy Roby, Overland Park Baptist Church, Overland Park, KS

September brought the wonderful opportunity to attend the national Baptist Bible Fellowship meeting in Rapid City, South Dakota. This historic gathering was a blessing on many levels. For the first time, two church plants hosted a meeting of this scale, and they did a tremendous job. It’s encouraging to see that new church plants are thriving within the BBFI. 

One of my favorite parts of every meeting is the focus on world missions. Hearing the testimonies of those called to spread the Gospel around the globe is always inspiring. The Wednesday evening service at the Mount Rushmore amphitheater was particularly powerful. Every aspect of the meeting and the fellowship was a source of encouragement. It’s truly an honor to serve our Savior alongside others who are passionate about God and global evangelization.

Ulises Longoria, Iglesia Eben-Ezer Denton, TX

Attending the meeting was such a blessing for me. It was refreshing to see and reconnect with so many of my good friends.

It was a wonderful week of relaxation, providing a break from the daily routine and allowing time to simply enjoy the company of others, listen to powerful sermons, and recharge for the ministry God has called us to.

I truly felt the unity we have in Christ—one body in Jesus.

One of the highlights was the service at Mount Rushmore, praising the Lord in such a beautiful setting, surrounded by His magnificent creation. It was an unforgettable experience!

Vern Murray, Liberty Baptist Church, Orlando, FL

What a joy it was to attend the national Fellowship meeting in South Dakota! Hosting it west of the Rockies was a fantastic decision. The location was perfect, the speakers were right on point, and the fellowship was uplifting. Kudos to the host pastors for doing such a great job.

Having the meeting in Rapid City, rich in American history, was a brilliant idea, and the final service at Mount Rushmore was nothing short of spectacular. All I can say is, well done, Randy Harp!

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