The Baptist Bible College Alumni and Friends gathered at Villa Baptist Church in Indianapolis on November 11, 2023. The luncheon was attended by over 30 people from four different states. There were students from the 60‘s, 70‘s, 80‘s, 90’s and 2010’s. Those in attendance got to hear the testimonies and life updates from former students and their spouses. Many in attendance have not been back to BBC since their college days. Those in attendance included many faithful local church members, as well as five pastors/spouses, two missionary couples, an AWANA director, and two radio show hosts.
Former professors who are currently serving as missionaries, Ken and Carrie Liles, shared their love and prayer concerning BBC. They commented on how they have been able to serve alongside BBC students and alumni all around the world. They also challenged the group to join them in praying for BBC and for one million Iranians to come to Christ. BBC president Mark Miloni was also in attendance and addressed the group, providing an inspiring report and update on BBC. He shared positive news about academics, student life, and continued growth at BBC. One of the meeting organizers, David Martin, pastor of Graceway Church in Auburn, IN, shared, “It is clear that BBC has been effective in educating, inspiring, and equipping students to serve as effective Christian leaders in the past, but it is also poised to make a great impact for future generations. The Lord has used Mark and Barb Milioni in a significant way to help lead BBC to a place of academic excellence with biblical fidelity and solid structure for the future.”
Other meeting organizers were BBFI missionaries Jurgen and Sherri Notz.
Encouraging Alumni Connections!