During Spreak Break, 29 Students from Baptist Bible College joined forces with Manna Worldwide to minister to pastors, orphanages, and nutrition centers in Campulung, Severin, and Rogova Romania. Jerry Abbott from Manna Worldwide said “It was an honor for me to lead 29 BBC Students on a mission trip to Romania. I was very impressed with every student. I loved their energy and enthusiasm, their proactive attitude to serve others and the joy with which they served. The Students led in worship, shared personal testimonies, and presented a powerful drama about the power of Jesus. They also revealed their passion for being committed followers of Jesus.”
Manna Worldwide and Baptist Bible College are in the second year (Philippines 2018) of working together to bring students to the front lines of missions. Jerry Abbott, Keri Kondracki, and Lance Gotcher facilitated the students as they were able to minister to the people of Romania. In Severin, Pastoral majors Brendan Pratt and Caleb Ivy spoke to the congregation at Bethany Church through an interpreter. Brendan mentioned, “Getting to preach in Romania was a humbling experience. With a language barrier and having to speak through the translator, the truth of God’s Word working through God’s spirit is still the same, and I was thankful to be a part of that.” Other students gave testimonies, and lead worship during morning services. After morning services, the group divided into two groups. One group engaged with the youth and small children for Awana activities at Bethany Church and the other group went to Lupsa for services where students gave their testimonies and helped lead worship. Lance Gotcher preached at the service in Lupsa where two raised their hand for salvation. Kelci Kitts, who will serve as an intern to Romania through Manna this summer, said, “Romania was incredible. Serving with my classmates and future ministry partners was such a privilege. The same God that works in America is at work across the world. I am so thankful for a school that allows me to have a real-life ministry experience!”
On Monday the group visited a nutrition center in Rogova at the Manna Nutrition Center where they got to interact with the kids and play some very intense but fun games. Afterword, the students helped in feeding the kids before the kids left for school. On Wednesday Students took part in service projects to a local church and school in Campulung.
During the ten days of the trip, students were very much front and center in building relationships and witnessing to the youth of all ages. On Saturday and Wednesday of the trip students served in a youth retreat where you could see God using the students in a significant way as they ministered to the youth from Romania.
BBC Student Kaylie Apkarian mentioned, “God teaches me something different everywhere I go. On this Romania trip, something that stuck with me was just how amazing it is that God uses us to be his hands and feet. We were His greatest creation who disobeyed and turned from Him, who put His Son on the cross, and yet He uses us. I am so thankful for the many opportunities to talk with people and make relationships while in Romania. I am so grateful to have been able to lead a young girl to the Lord. That is why we are called, and that is why we go, for the one soul whose eternity is forever changed.”
While in Romania the students were treated to some fantastic Romanian culture as Lance Gotcher led the team on tours of Bucharest, Transylvania, and Brasov. Jerry Abbott said about this group of students, “In 15 years of leading mission trips, I would have to rate this group in the top 5% of best groups. I loved every minute! Kudos to the faculty and administration of BBC for your leadership and Godly influence on these students. Go BBC!”