Opening days are always exciting as a new college year begins. It is a time of renewing friendships for returning students and a blur of information for new students.
BBC has made “Welcome Week” a big deal the last few years. We take time to get to know our new students as well as their parents. This year Welcome Day was Saturday, August 18. On a beautiful sunny day, the middle of our campus was filled with booths from churches, businesses, restaurants, student organizations and professors. Students had an opportunity to learn about local churches, job opportunities and student clubs. The new freshmen and their parents then attended orientation to learn about their new college.
After a busy morning, lunch, afternoon meetings and a Mexican Fiesta in the “Caf” the evening was finished with a worship service back in the middle of campus. Following great music from the student worship band, Breakaway, President Milioni challenged the new students to realize that this is a time to follow Christ intensely. The service concluded with the returning students surrounding the freshmen and praying for them.
A great student led initiative last year called “BBC Cares” was started to help those suffering from Hurricane Harvey in the Houston area. The involvement and concern from students was so significant that it led to a full-fledged “BBC Cares” outreach ministry with several trips around the country. “BBC Cares” is ready again this year to come and bless those in need.
This fall, for the first time in many years, BBC is very excited to have students returning to some very important and foundational classes. Each student is now required to take classes like Life of Christ, Life of Paul, and Personal Evangelism.
Please pray for us. Each year we pray for God to bless regarding our finances, we pray for God to bless and protect each student, we pray for hearts to be hungry, serious and broken for others. Your prayers and involvement will make a difference here in Springfield.
Thanks for loving and remembering BBC!