By Nathan Burch, pastor of Aurora Baptist Church, Aurora, MO
Read Proverbs 20.
Solomon had the opportunity to ask God for anything, and he asked for “wisdom.” Solomon hoped he could lead God’s people in a way pleasing to God. Although Solomon had many shortfalls, there is no denying he was a wise man. The believer’s goal should be the same. For the believer to be wise, they must learn what to avoid and what to apply.
Verses 1 through 4 challenge the individual to avoid four things. Those four things are overconsumption of alcohol that causes us to lose control, rebellion that leads to discipline, meaningless quarrels that shame God and ourselves, and laziness that leads to a lack of provision. Avoiding the things of this world, even the appearance of this world, is necessary to glorify God with our lives. Many lives have been destroyed because of issues with these four things. Even pastors and ministry leaders have suffered the consequences of failing in these areas.
Avoiding the things of this world, even the appearance of this world, is necessary to glorify God with our lives. Click To TweetVerses 5 through 12 challenge the individual in discernment. Discernment is critical in the believer’s life. God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s work direct our paths to things to avoid and things to apply. Verse seven is a reminder that parents should walk in integrity and the lasting impact it has on their children.
The last challenge in verses 13 through 30 is to apply what you know in all the areas where you interact. Work, family, social media, and church ministry all require us to use discernment. The goal is to glorify God. Are you doing that with your life today?
Reflective Questions:
- What areas in your life do you need to practice more avoidance?
- What areas in your life do you need to practice more discernment?
- What areas in your life are you applying the expectations of Proverbs 20?
Memory Verse:
There is gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Proverbs 20:15
Dear God, thank you for the Holy Spirit that works in my life and provides discernment. Help me to know what I need to avoid and what I need to apply.
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Enjoyed the chapter overview: Avoidance, Discernment, Application. Thank you, Nathan.