Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Embracing Our Identity in God and Christ

In the opening verse of the Book of James, James, the half-brother of Jesus, introduced himself as a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times, when we begin reading a book in the Bible, we mistakenly overlook the greeting provided by the author. This declaration by James sets the tone for the rest of his letter and reminds us of the importance of humility in our walk with God. If we are going to grow in wisdom, we must first embrace our identity as servants of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Growing in Wisdom

This Growing in Wisdom devotional series brings a unique opportunity to glean insights from the book of James, written by a group of retired pastors, missionaries, and other ministry leaders. Each day, a seasoned minister shares their wisdom, drawing from years of experience and deep knowledge of Scripture to inspire, encourage, and challenge readers on their spiritual journey. […]

Devotional - Higher Ground

In Awe Of His Authority

By Randy Harp, Director, Baptist Bible Fellowship International Central Office, Springfield, MO Read Matthew 7:28-29. The conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount marks a pivotal moment in Jesus’ ministry. His words had resonated with a […]

Devotional - Higher Ground

Built on the Rock

By Randy Harp, Director, Baptist Bible Fellowship International Central Office, Springfield, MO Read Matthew 7:24-27. Jesus concludes His “Sermon on the Mount” with a powerful analogy that highlights the importance of building our lives on a […]

Devotional - Higher Ground

The Power of Persistent Prayer

By Randy Harp, Director, Baptist Bible Fellowship International Central Office, Springfield, MO Read Matthew 7:7-11. Have you ever found yourself questioning whether your prayers were truly heard? In moments of despair, when life’s burdens weigh heavily […]

Devotional - Higher Ground

Reflecting Light, Not Shadows

By Randy Harp, Director, Baptist Bible Fellowship International Central Office, Springfield, MO Read Matthew 7:1-6. In our spiritual journey, it is imperative that we learn to guard against the dangerous trap of hypocrisy. Jesus, in […]

Devotional - Higher Ground

A Binding Marriage

By Randy Harp, Director, BBFI Central Office, Springfield, MO Read Matthew 5:31-32. One of the general themes of the Sermon on the Mount is living counter-culturally. Today’s passage is one of extreme when it comes […]