Devotional - Echoes of Redemption

The Coming of the King

The triumphal entry fulfilled prophesies found in Zechariah 9 and Psalm 118. This historic event challenges us today to recognize the character of Jesus and the worship of His followers. […]

Devotional - Echoes of Redemption

The Suffering Servant

Isaiah 53:5 prophesies the suffering servant who would bear humanity’s sins, foretelling Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. This paradoxical act of redemption offers forgiveness and restoration, urging gratitude and devotion in response to His love. […]

Devotional - Echoes of Redemption

The Promise of a Savior

Genesis 3:15, a promise made in the Garden of Eden, foretells redemption through a coming Savior. Easter celebrates this fulfillment, highlighting God’s faithfulness and Christ’s redemptive work, bringing hope to humanity. […]

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3 Ways to Balance Your Preaching

One of the most important responsibilities of a pastor is preaching. If this is true, the pastor must be intentional in how he goes about preparing to preach. Therefore, one of the most important disciplines of a pastor is establishing his preaching schedule. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Embracing Our Identity in God and Christ

In the opening verse of the Book of James, James, the half-brother of Jesus, introduced himself as a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times, when we begin reading a book in the Bible, we mistakenly overlook the greeting provided by the author. This declaration by James sets the tone for the rest of his letter and reminds us of the importance of humility in our walk with God. If we are going to grow in wisdom, we must first embrace our identity as servants of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Growing in Wisdom

This Growing in Wisdom devotional series brings a unique opportunity to glean insights from the book of James, written by a group of retired pastors, missionaries, and other ministry leaders. Each day, a seasoned minister shares their wisdom, drawing from years of experience and deep knowledge of Scripture to inspire, encourage, and challenge readers on their spiritual journey. […]