Be Persecuted? Who Me?
By Jon Konnerup, Mission Director, BBFI Read Matthew 5:10. As I watch the events of the world going on all around us, I am reminded of Matthew 5:10 – “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ […]
By Jon Konnerup, Mission Director, BBFI Read Matthew 5:10. As I watch the events of the world going on all around us, I am reminded of Matthew 5:10 – “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ […]
A letter from BBFI Mission Director, Jon Konnerup. Dear Pastor: We find ourselves in some unprecedented times for sure. COVID-19 has become a global pandemic and, as a result, nations and local governments are taking extreme […]
Will you be one of the many who will be attending the 2020 BBFI Global Meeting in Costa Rica? Already, people from Asia, Africa, Europe, and all-over Latin America are planning to attend this exciting […]
Each of us should have a deep desire to see more missionaries surrendering to go to the mission field – not only to the near and far places, but also to the hard places. What […]
With the increased emphasis on church planting in large cities over the last decade, we cannot minimize the fact that the Holy Spirit calls people to small towns too. While Jesus did ministry in the […]
The sending church’s role in world missions cannot be underestimated. The call to missions is not just for individuals or families, it is the responsibility of the local church to establish a foundation of love for Christ, obedience […]
The role of BBFI Mission Office is clearly defined in our mission statement: “The BBFI Mission Office exists to serve churches and their missionaries as they endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission.” The BBFI Mission Office […]
Missions, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the corner and the world, is the biggest and most important task we face. Following are several reasons why reaching our world with the Gospel is crucial. The […]
Today’s world has many pressures, and missions and missionaries are not exempt from their influence. Following are a few of the challenges in reaching our world with the Gospel. UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS Researchers estimate there are […]
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