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by Eddie Lyons My wife’s favorite Christmas memory occurred the year our youngest son, James, was born. He was born that summer and we were shocked to hear he had Down syndrome. It had been […]

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Church Planting

How is your focus?

by John Gross Planting a church requires focus. As a church planter you have multiple tasks, but the majority of your focus should revolve around: Your personal spiritual development and your relationships with the unchurched. […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

It’s a wonderful life

by Mark Milioni Christmas is coming! BBC students have decorated, worn their ugliest sweaters, eaten every cookie their grandmas have sent, and quoted their favorite Christmas movies — “The best way to spread Christmas cheer […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

The “gift-look”

by David Melton We all know that look when someone receives a gift they could never have imagined — the unspeakable, over-the-top joy of receiving. I saw that look the other day. Esther, a Boston […]

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Feature Article

The spirit of Thanksgiving

by Rob Walker In his work The Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England, 19th century author William Love documents how the Separatist Puritans viewed religious occasions as a time of solemn reflection and fasting.

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Baptist History

John Rippon — 63 years a London pastor

by Doug Kutilek The mortal remains of Baptist pastor John Rippon (1751-1836) repose in Bunhill Fields cemetery, London, the burial site of many famous and faithful names in English Non-Conformity (non-Anglican Christians), some 120,000 souls, […]