Church News

Craig Laidacker Retires After 47 Years

Craig D. Laidacker, a 1973 graduate of Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO, retired at the end of December 2020 after 47 years as pastor of the Bloomsburg Baptist Church, Bloomsburg, PA. At age 80, he […]

Outreach Ideas

Seven Reasons You Must Not Abandon Your Online Services

As churches return to in-person gatherings, they are abandoning their digital and streaming services. At the very least, they are not giving them the attention they did during the quarantine.

It’s a mistake. It’s a big mistake. Here are seven reasons why we believe strongly your church must continue to emphasize and invest in digital and streaming services. […]

Feature Article

Top 20 Most Read Posts in 2020

As 2020 comes to a close, the Tribune website celebrates another record setting year for views and visits. There were several new contributors both within the BBFI and outside the BBFI. COVID-19 and the BBFI’s […]

Feature Article

Welcome to the Era of Phygital Church

We will remember this year for many reasons. Among them, it will be known as the year the church closed its doors while simultaneously claiming new space in the digital world—and living rooms across the […]

Feature Article

The Phygital Church

There’s a new, and important, word: “phygital.” It reflects the growing necessity for the seamless flow between the physical and the digital. As an article on Bizcommunity put it, in relation to the retail world: […]