As it was told them

by Mike Randall
Former editor of the Baptist Bible Tribune (1995-2002)

The claims and teachings of Christianity are based on evidences and events that actually occurred. This concept is illustrated in the beautiful story of the birth of Christ. Here are four thoughts from the story of the shepherds found in Luke 2.


The glorious appearance of the angel startled and frightened them (Luke 2:9). The angel reassured them and announced Christ’s birth. Their announcement tells us much about God and His love.

First, God cares for the lowly person. The shepherds were considered among the lowest social class in the Jewish society. The Talmud Court of the Jews forbade the witness of shepherds. Society didn’t think much of shepherds, but God did. Although not allowed as witnesses in a Jewish court, God cared so much for them that he made them witnesses of the wondrous birth of His Son.

If you are a lowly person, be assured by the shepherds that God loves and cares about you, too. Jesus was born for you (Luke 2:11).

Second, God cares for the laboring person. Verse eight says these shepherds were “abiding in the field, keeping watch … by night.” They were on the job. The Lord wanted the working person to know about His Son, so He sent His angels to the laboring shepherds at night. Are you laboring and burdened? God cares for you.

It was to the burdened soul that Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Third, God cares for the learned person. Sometimes overlooked about these shepherds is their knowledge of the coming Messiah. They were lowly, but knew all about the Temple and the Scripture, for these shepherds kept the Temple sheep. These were the animals used in sacrifice in Jerusalem, some six miles to the north. They understood the teaching of Scripture regarding offerings, sacrifices, and forgiveness. They knew the promises made of a Savior. They knew that Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. This was one reason why they responded to the angelic message and came searching. They were not unlearned. They knew the Scripture and God’s promises. The declaration to the shepherds shows that God loves the learned as well as the untaught.


In verse 15 we read, “And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.”

This decision was a wonderful example of people acting by faith in the Word of God. They heard the message and then did something about it. They trusted what God’s messengers said was true and went and checked it out. That’s what God wants all of us to do. Like the shepherds, the sinner must decide to come to Christ in the lowly position of a guilty sinner because Christ invites the lost sinner to come. Jesus said, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Again, Christ said, “him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Have you come to Christ by faith, like the shepherds? If not, do so today.


Verses 16 to 20 tell us that the shepherds came “and found Mary and Joseph and the babe … as it was told unto them.”

Whatever God says about something is exactly the way you will find it. Everything God says is true or will come true. You can depend on it.

First, the discovery was unmistakable. The angels gave such specific information they couldn’t miss finding the babe and knowing He was the Messiah. They went to the right town, the right inn, and the right stable. They couldn’t miss it. In the same way, God has made His plan of salvation so plain that no one who really wants to know can miss it. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). You can’t get much plainer than that.

Second, the discovery was unforgettable. Verse 19 says that “Mary kept all these things.” She never forgot what happened, but the shepherds didn’t either. Let me add this. If you really come to Christ and accept Him as your personal Savior, you will never forget it. The thrill of finding Christ never leaves.


Verse 20 speaks of the joy the shepherds experienced after they found Christ, “And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.” Finding Christ filled their souls with joy, because Jesus Christ satisfies.

When the sick came to Him in His earthly ministry, they left well. The blind came and left seeing. The lame came and left walking. The lepers came and left clean. Sinners came and left forgiven. When I came to Him as an 18-year-old sinner, I left forgiven, saved, and satisfied. If you will come to Him for salvation, you will know the delight of the shepherds.

Published in the Baptist Bible Tribune December 2001