The APEX Church Planter Assessment team met in Springfield, MO, on August 7-9, 2023. This marks the first assessment outside of Texas and shows the growth of church planting within the Baptist Bible Fellowship International. Assessors and guests traveled from Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Illinois, Maryland, and Missouri to take part. Randy Abell, BBFI 3rd Vice President, commented, “I love meeting brand new church planters. We are praying already for them that the Lord would guide them and bless them.”
The assessment is a rigorous three-day event with sessions on clarifying the call of God, the vitality of character, the importance of having a strong marriage, an adequate business model, and a time to evaluate preaching, to name a few. APEX Director Terry Kizer stated, “The assessment is intentionally tough because church planting is tough.”

An added benefit to hosting the assessment in Springfield is that the assessment team got to spend some time with students at Baptist Bible College. On Tuesday night, the team hosted an event at Big Shot Golf for any student interested in one day planting a church.
Assessors include Terry Kizer, Randy Adams, Lonnie Lehrman, Lonnie and Disty Short, Wade Gates, Greg Baxter, Joey Candillo, and Randy Harp.
The next APEX Assessment is October 2-4, 2023, in Granbury, TX. For more information about APEX, visit https://www.apexchurches.com.