By Don Rooks, founder of Connecting Point Ministries, Branson, MO
Read James 5:12.
Have you ever caught yourself saying something like, “Of course, I would be glad to do this for you!” After thinking about it, you realize it was a bald-faced lie.
Have you ever caught yourself saying something like, “Of course, I would be glad to do this for you!” After thinking about it, you realize it was a bald-faced lie.
I just committed to something I am not good at and don’t really want to do, especially writing something that a bunch of preachers will read. I guess confession is so good for the soul. It is typically hard to get out of doing something you have committed to, though, especially when reflecting on this scripture passage. James 5:12, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no.”
As God’s conviction settles upon us, let us reflect upon our promises. How often do we promise never to wander astray, never to entertain impure thoughts, or indulge in questionable desires? The Lord takes our promises seriously, or He wouldn’t have included this wisdom in His Word. He despises dishonesty, even when we attempt to downplay our lies as insignificant.
Perhaps the reason we find ourselves ensnared in this cycle is rooted in our desire to appear virtuous or our longing to escape consequences. It could be fear of rejection or the deep-seated shame we bear. Remember James 1:22: we are called not merely to hear the Word but to embody it, being true doers rather than deceiving ourselves.
To navigate these turbulent waters, we must take a firm stand, refusing to waver or straddle the fence in an attempt to appease everyone. Seek solace in the presence of God, investing ample time in His Word so that you may discern the right path and follow it with unwavering devotion. Let us learn from the example of Job, who placed his trust solely in God’s faithfulness, unwavering amidst conflicting advice and familial pressures. Let it be an oath unblemished by qualifications or duplicity when we say yes or no.
Before committing ourselves, let us humbly submit our truths to the Lord. Seek His guidance, surrendering our desires and insecurities into His capable hands. And as we walk this path of faith, may our actions align with our words, grounded in integrity and transparency. May our yes carry the weight of profound conviction and our no resound with resolute determination.
In our pursuit of truth, may God’s grace guide us every step of the way.
May our yes carry the weight of profound conviction and our no resound with resolute determination.
Reflective Questions:
- Have you ever made a commitment just to make yourself look or feel important? How did you feel after making that commitment?
- Have you ever said, “No, I don’t have time,” when the answer should have been yes? How did you feel afterward?
- Why do you think God makes it such a priority to be honest? Why do you think it is such a challenge for so many people, even Christians, to be honest?
Memory Verse:
But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. But let your “Yes” be “Yes,” and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment. James 5:12
Dear God, I know that in this life, I will have to endure difficult times. Help me when those times come to place my trust completely in You. I am thankful that you are compassionate and merciful.
Related Scriptures:
Matthew 5:33-37; II Corinthians 1:17-20; Matthew 23:16-22; Deuteronomy 23:21; Leviticus 19:12; Ecclesiastes 5:4-6; Psalm 76:11
Yikes!!! Convicting brother!