Read James 2:14-20.
As a child who was often slow to obey, I heard the phrase often as a kid: “Actions speak louder than words!” It was not until later, as I began to mature that I truly understood and appreciated those words. What my parents were telling me was, “Quit talking about it and do it!” And that is just the sense that I get from James, the half-brother of Jesus, as he writes his letter to the scattered Jews all over the then-known world. In the first chapter, verse twenty-two, he writes, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith and has no deeds?” Then, he follows up throughout his letter, describing the “good deeds” that should accompany our faith.
As I read what he has written, I get the sense that he is tired of watching these Jewish believers say one thing and do another.
As I read what he has written, I get the sense that he is tired of watching these Jewish believers say one thing and do another. Yet how many times must he have seen Jesus model true faith with His strong sense of social justice and His care for those in need? In contrast, how many times must he have watched as Jesus’ followers, including Jesus’ disciples, walk past the hungry, the sick, and those who were hurting? So James lays it out plain and simple in verse sixteen. If one of you says, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? He then makes what I believe is one of the capstone statements in the New Testament in verse seventeen when he states, “In the same way, faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
Contrary to what some have said, James is not teaching here that we are saved by our good deeds. In verse fourteen, James addresses the kind of faith that saves. Our faith is not a cold, dead, lifeless faith but a living faith that changes us and leads to a life of obedience and service to the One who saved us. He emphatically tells us that the evidence of our faith is an active life of service to others in the name of Jesus.
It turns out my parents were right (about so many things!). Our actions really do speak louder than words!
He emphatically tells us that the evidence of our faith is an active life of service to others in the name of Jesus.
Reflective Questions:
- How do you respond when you see someone at an intersection asking for help?
- If a new believer followed you for a week, what would they learn? What would they see? How would they be influenced in their personal walk with Christ?
- What are some random acts of kindness that you could do this week that would make a difference in a person’s life?
Memory Verse:
Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:17
Dear God, help me to fully comprehend that my actions speak louder than my words. Help me to see the opportunities around me to be a blessing to others. And then help me not only see those opportunities but also do something about them.
Related Scriptures:
Matthew 7:26-27; Titus 1:16; Luke 3:11; Proverbs 3:27-28; Romans 12:9; II Peter 1:5-9; I Timothy 1:5; Proverbs 12:11
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