A meeting with two themes

May Fellowship Week 2012

by the Tribune

Baptist Bible College Interim President Ron Sears wanted to showcase the raison d’etre of the Baptist Bible Fellowship when he crafted the theme for Graduation Fellowship Week — It’s All About the Gospel. It was appropriate. The definition of the French term is “the purpose that justifies a thing’s existence,” the why of the Fellowship, the missionary program, the colleges, all that we do as a Fellowship.

During the meeting, however, May 14-17, a subtheme became apparent as attendees and speakers began using the phrase, “a new day,” to describe the effects of the meeting. Thus a subtle blend of the old (such as the video salvation testimonies from BBFI founders and recognition of missionaries with 50 years of service) and new (such as the rearranged seating in the fieldhouse and the installation of a new president for BBC) brought some new enthusiasm — not manufactured or ginned up by the way — to an admittedly aging institution.

The service music was led by Scott Quidley, the gifted music minister of Canyon Creek Baptist Church in Richardson, TX, with able assistance from BBC personnel, including David Giles and students. The keynote sermons by Linzy and Jon Slayden Monday evening set the tone. Jon is Director of Student Life at BBC, and his father is president of the BBFI. Other preachers included Charlie Miller, Michael Haley, Anthony Milas, Ole Konnerup, and former BBC president Leland Kennedy, who stood in for Elmer Towns who was unable to attend. Kennedy referenced the “new day” meme several times. Veteran preachers Jimmy Combs, Al Janney, and Charles Coleman provided video testimonies emphasizing the importance of the gospel and their responses.

In Thursday’s commencement, Jerry Thorpe continued connecting the past with the future as he gave a long list of Baptist Bible College graduates and their contributions to the work of the gospel worldwide. By the end of the commencement 92 students had received their degrees and begun their own “new day.”

One important event, not usually on the schedule for May meetings, was the installation of Mark Milioni of Medina, OH, as seventh president of Baptist Bible College on Tuesday evening. More than 1,000 stakeholders of BBC attended the formal investiture service, and representatives from every segment of the Baptist Bible Fellowship committed their support and encouragement to the new president. President Milioni then gave an address laying out a vision and an appeal for the college. BBC Interim President Ron Sears was unable to attend the service due to a death in the family, however, his sacrificial seven-month work for the college was recognized by the BBC Trustees and the pastors. Trustee Chairman Doug Cox said Sears made an invaluable contribution to the institution during his short tenure.

Wednesday was Missions Day at the meeting. New career missionaries approved were Joe and Darcy Flory (Russia), Brandon and Rachel Ivy (Philippines), Brent and Amanda Longenecker (Philippines), Ben and Rachelle Metzger (Argentina), Kevin and Sarah Pine (England), and Wade and Donna Rasmussen (Zambia). TEAM missionaries (short term) approved were Greg and Mary Albert (Wales, with Bob and Janice Marshall), and Jonathan and Katie Mohler (Kenya, with Randy and Phyllis Stirewalt). One Restricted Access Nation (RAN) missionary was approved (name and field withheld).

BBFI missionaries recognized and receiving pins for 30 years of service were Mick and Kay Baumgartner, Billy and Cindy Hargis, Max and Debbie Harmon, Bill and Dorothy Merritt, Jesse and Glenna Parnell, and Mark Williams (with his wife Debbie posthumously). Also recognized but unable to attend were Frank and Mary Bosler and Ted and Tonie Farris.

Missionaries recognized and receiving 50-year globes were Elsie Fishgrab (Navajo Indians), Dennis Herring (Canada), and Don and Phyllis Sidebottom (Ethiopia).

BBFI Mission Director Jon Konnerup also announced that the Fellowship directors paved the way for BBFI related international Bible colleges to achieve affiliate status. The first such school to meet the requirements and to be designated an affiliate college is Baptist Bible College Asia in Manila, Philippines. Greg Lyons is the school’s president. The status declares the school to be in agreement with the BBFI’s 20 Articles of Faith and helps to give international recognition of the college’s relationship with the BBFI.

During the business meeting, the ballot for the election of national officers was distributed. The nominations are:

President – Linzy Slayden (unopposed)

First Vice President – Mike Frazier (unopposed)

Second Vice President – Keith Gillming (incumbent) and Billy Hamm

Third Vice President – Dan Lamb (unopposed)

Secretary – Bill Carter and Paul Foster

Treasurer – Howard Braymer (unopposed)

Pastors in the business meeting also reaffirmed the Fellowship’s position regarding homosexuality and same-sex marriage in a resolution passed unanimously. The text of the resolution is published in this issue on page 5.

Future meetings of the BBFI

September 17-19, 2012 – Canton Baptist Temple, Canton, OH

February 18-20, 2013 – Shiloh Hills Baptist Church, Kennesaw, GA

May 2013 – Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO

Meet the new BBC president

Mark Milioni grew up in Albion, MI. His uncle, Gene Milioni, was a familiar face in the Tribune in the early days and he was among those who founded the Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI).

Mark is also the nephew of James and Debbie Goodman. James Goodman is an officer in the National BBFI and is the pastor of Stillwell Bible Baptist Church, Clarksville, AR.

After graduating from high school Mark joined the local police force. In 1985, he and his wife Barbara enrolled in Baptist Bible College where he earned a degree in pastoral ministry.

From 2003 until this month, Milioni had been the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Medina, OH. Under his leadership the church prospered numerically, financially, and spiritually. In addition to his degree from BBC, he also earned a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry and Bible at Luther Rice Seminary, Atlanta, GA; and Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership from Regent University (ABD), Virginia Beach, VA.

Mark has been married to Barbara for 27 years. They have four children, Emily, Brooks, Daniel, and Mariah. Look for more about President Milioni and BBC in the mid-summer issue of the Tribune.