Happy New Year! This time of year, many people work on setting goals for the new year and dreaming up all God might have in store for them. I make it a point to do this myself. But this time of year is also a good time to look back and reflect. It is why we sing auld lang syne, right? We truly have so much to be thankful for.
I share this often, but I truly believe I have the greatest job in the world. I have a front row seat to see all God is doing in and through the ministries of the
BBFI. I love to celebrate with churches. This past year I was able to attend many of the BBFI’s newest churches. I was also involved in many anniversary services. I love to celebrate with pastors. I was privileged to participate in both retirement celebrations as well as ordinations. I love to partner with missionaries. I did not have the opportunity to travel internationally this past year but I spoke or met with missionaries on a weekly basis. I am constantly amazed at all that God is doing through our BBFI missionaries in all parts of the world. I am also fortunate to be involved with Baptist Bible College both in an administrative role and a faculty role. I can honestly say we have great faculty training our future ministry leaders and we have some students who are not waiting until after graduation to start serving, they are serving now. As we launch into a new year, make sure to take some time to reflect on this past year. Celebrate your victories and learn from your setbacks.
It is also that time of year where you will be hearing a lot from me about our Annual Tribune Offering, formerly known as the February Tribune Offering. The reality is simple. It is the same for this ministry as it is for yours. It takes nancial resources to do ministry. We are operating on a strict budget, about 33% less than the last few years, but are doing more than ever. You can read a sampling of testimonies on page 30 of how the Communication Office is making a di erence in the Fellowship. This year we need to raise $120,000 in our annual offering. If we can raise a little more we can further expand and add our current ministry. Would you begin praying now asking God to show you how to participate? We are very thankful for each partner!
As always, thank you for allowing me to serve Christ as I serve you. I am looking forward to seeing “y’all” in Fort Worth in February.