By Keith Buttram, pastor of Temple Baptist Church, Springdale, AR
Read Proverbs 24.
Imagine this, you are at work, and one of the top sales guys is talking about how he has made a few questionable deals with people, getting them to accept a bid he knows he will not be able to fulfill. He knows the numbers will show that he made the sale now, qualifying for a bonus. The sale may be returned later, but it will be after the bonuses are calculated and paid. That sale will bump him up to a higher tier of bonus. It would be easy to think that you wished you had thought of that first. But is that ethical? Is that wise? Is that something we should desire for ourselves?
Proverbs 24:1 says that we are not to envy the wicked. We shouldn’t desire to fit in with them. As followers of Christ, we should pursue holiness, not money, nor material things, especially when it has been gained unethically.
Verse two tells us that people doing these types of things are plotting violence in their hearts. They desire to fulfill their lusts with little to no thought as to the consequences. When there is talk of deceit for gain or tearing someone down to lift ourselves up, there is a revealing of the heart. That is not the way a follower of Christ should talk.
Our words should reflect both truth and love. Click To TweetHow should we talk? Look at verse 26 for some wisdom in this area. “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” That is how truth should be given and how it should be received. Our words should reflect both truth and love. Because the truth, even when it is a hard truth, spoken in love, is like a friendly kiss.
Reflective Questions:
- Why do we envy people we know are living for themselves and don’t care about others?
- How should we handle hearing talk that glorifies deceit or stirs up trouble?
- How can you ensure your words come across as a friendly kiss?
Memory Verse:
He who gives a right answer kisses the lips. Proverbs 24:26
Dear God, thank you for those that speak truth into my life. Help me to receive their truth with a humble and thankful attitude.
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