40 Days Through the New Testament

One of the most important disciplines a pastor, or ministry leader, can practice is consistency in reading through the Bible. Yes, one should dive deep into study and one should definitely practice memorizing Scripture, but one must not neglect the simple practice of daily reading chunks of Scripture. There are many plans available. Some will start with Genesis 1:1 and continue straight through Revelation 22:21. Some prefer to read it through chronologically. Others will read some from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament each day. Still others add in a Proverb or Psalm each day. Some take it to another level and read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in the same plan.

This is not a challenge to read through the entire Bible as a fellowship of ministry leaders, but rather a challenge to read through the New Testament together. From January 1 until the start of the BBFI National Fellowship Meeting in Anaheim, CA is 41 days. Beginning January 1, the various social media outlets of the BBFI will be sharing a daily reading plan to complete the New Testament in 40 days (ending the Saturday before the meeting starts). Help us spread the word by sharing these posts on your personal social media sites.

You can also download a PDF of the reading plan by clicking here.

If you are an Evernote user, you can click here to download a template to add to check off each day’s reading.

Let’s read through the New Testament together!
