Personal Prayer Needs
- Pray for their personal relationship with God. Pray that their time with God would be more than studying for a sermon. Pray for a fresh passion to know Jesus Christ.
- Pray that your pastor would have a deep love for the Scriptures. Pray that he would be consumed with knowing the power of the Word of God.
- Pray that your pastor is the husband he needs to be. Pray that he loves his wife just as Jesus loves the church. Pray for his wife that she would be a helper to him.
- Pray for your pastor as a father. Pray that he would be a godly influence and example to his children. Pray for protection for your pastor’s family.
- Pray that your pastor would develop many great friendships. Pray for other men to come into his life that can be a source of encouragement and support.
- Pray that your pastor can find a proper balance. Pray that he know how to balance the pulls of ministry and family.
- Pray that your pastor would find the rest that he needs. Pray that he would properly observe the 4th Commandment to take a day of Sabbath each and every week.
- Pray that your pastor would use his time wisely. Pray that he can focus at different times of the day on the different tasks he needs to accomplish. Pray that he would avoid the man distractions that go along with ministry life.
- Pray for your pastor’s personal use of his finances. Pray that he is a good steward. Pray that the church makes it a priority to provide for the pastor.
- Pray for good health for you pastor. Pray that he would be aware of the requirements for good health and he would take care of himself.
Spiritual Prayer Needs
- Pray for personal holiness for your pastor. Pray that he would guard his heart and live a clean life. Pray that he would have strength to avoid his personal sin struggles.
- Pray that the hand of God and the power of the Holy Spirit would be upon your pastor. Pray that God would accomplish more through him that he would ever think.
- Pray that your pastor would find men to hold him accountable. Pray that he would be honest and open with these men.
- Pray for strength and protection during your pastor’s personal spiritual warfare. Pray that he would dress himself in the armor of God and prepare himself with the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
- Pray for humility for pastor. Pray that pride never creeps into his life. Pray that he recognizes all that is accomplished through him is accomplished through the work of the Holy Spirit in his life.
- Pray that your pastor would have the mind of Christ. Pray that he would both think and act like Jesus. Pray that he lives his life in response to the question, “What would Jesus do?”
- Pray that your pastor would develop the fruit of the Spirit in his life. Pray that he grows in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
- Pray that your pastor would be obedient to Great Commission. Pray that he would have a passion to see the lost become found. Pray that it would be more than something he talks about in church. Pray that it is something he puts into practice.
- Pray that your pastor would have a proper fear of God. Pray that he understands that he serves a holy and righteous God.
- Pray that your pastor would have a servant’s heart. Pray that he leads as a servant leader. Pray that he would not be afraid to get his hands dirty as he serves.
Leadership Prayer Needs
- Pray that your pastor would understand his leadership role within your city. Pray for increased opportunities for him to have influence in your city. Pray for open doors in the public schools, city council, and other community organizations.
- Pray that your pastor prioritizes his time in the pulpit. Pray that he would proclaim the Word of God with boldness and conviction as well as grace and humility.
- Pray for your pastor as a spiritual counselor. Pray that God would give him wisdom as he helps those struggling with life’s hurts and challenges.
- Pray that your pastor would lead your church well financially. Pray that he would know how to balance the church’s budget and prioritize spending where it most honors God.
- Pray that your pastor would lead the church staff and volunteers well. Pray that he would understand one of his primary responsibilities is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Pray that he properly empowers others to lead and serve well.
- Pray that your pastor would be prepared for conflicts. Pray that he would trust God to show him how to respond and that he not take matters into his own hands.
- Pray that your pastor would lead as a shepherd. Pray that he would love and care for the flock God has entrusted him with.
- Pray that your pastor would stay true doctrinally. Pray that he would search the Scriptures daily to understand the ways of God. Pray that he not stray off into false doctrine.
- Pray that each week your pastor would have a passion to lead people to know and follow Christ. Pray that his sermons are more than just information transfer, but focused on life-change.
- Pray that your pastor finishes well. Pray that he stay true to his calling. Pray that he stays strong in his leadership. Pray that he knows when it is time to transition.