Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Talking and Walking

This devotional by Jim Baize highlights the adage of “walk the walk, talk the talk,” emphasizing that our actions should match our beliefs. James warns against self-deception by only hearing the Word without applying it. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

What? No Batteries?

This devotional by Bill Carter shares that God’s gifts are not always wrapped in beautiful packaging; sometimes, they come in the form of trials. We should approach these trials as opportunities to seek God’s power and strengthen our relationship with Him. Just like Jake’s front-end loader needing batteries, God provides the power required for each trial. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Single-Minded Focus on Christ

Staying focused on Christ in difficult times is crucial. James encourages believers facing persecution, reminding them that challenges are meant to mature their faith. A doubleminded faith is scattered and does not honor God. Trust in God’s plan and never doubt, for doubt destroys. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Daddy, I Can Do It Myself

In the Book of James, we find some of the most practical wisdom available anywhere. More specifically, in James chapter one, we find wisdom for trials.                       

James opened his letter with a call to maturity and said that maturity comes from trials of many kinds and that we should consider those trials joyful because they let us know that God is working in us. Your perseverance is how you mature. […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Joyful Suffering

An unfortunate reality is that you will suffer in this life. Another reality is that sanctification is a long process that lasts a lifetime. Life as a believer can be hard. We all share in suffering, pain, loss, and heartache. As a believer, you will face life-shortening experiences that will momentarily paralyze you, BUT GOD always means for good. Everything that comes into your life is always “Father-Filtered.” […]

Devotional - Growing in Wisdom

Embracing Our Identity in God and Christ

In the opening verse of the Book of James, James, the half-brother of Jesus, introduced himself as a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times, when we begin reading a book in the Bible, we mistakenly overlook the greeting provided by the author. This declaration by James sets the tone for the rest of his letter and reminds us of the importance of humility in our walk with God. If we are going to grow in wisdom, we must first embrace our identity as servants of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. […]