Devotional - Growing in Wisdom
Time Is Not on Our Side
This devotional by Frank Liedkie reminds us that life is but a vapor and that time is not on our side. Are you making the most of your time? Are you living every day to glorify God? […]
This devotional by Frank Liedkie reminds us that life is but a vapor and that time is not on our side. Are you making the most of your time? Are you living every day to glorify God? […]
This devotional by Gary Fuller reflects on James 4:11-12 and the old American Indian proverb, “Never judge another man until you walk a mile in his moccasins.” […]
This devotional by Ray Adams emphasizes the importance of humility and submission to God. The result of humility is not a climb to the top, but rather, its a climb to the bottom. […]
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