Faith That Works
This devotional by Terry Kizer reflects on the faith of Abraham and Rahab and challenges the reader to have a faith that works. […]
This devotional by Terry Kizer reflects on the faith of Abraham and Rahab and challenges the reader to have a faith that works. […]
New Life Baptist Church in Locust Grove, OK holds charter service. […]
On January 7, 2024, Grace Church in Independence, MO, pastored by Joey Candillo, celebrated its 10th anniversary. The day was highlighted with multiple baptisms and included several special guests. Missionaries, pastors, and Fellowship leaders sent […]
Is it possible to truly change? If so, where do we get the power to change? […]
One of the most important responsibilities of a pastor is preaching. If this is true, the pastor must be intentional in how he goes about preparing to preach. Therefore, one of the most important disciplines of a pastor is establishing his preaching schedule. […]
This devotional by Rob Hoffman emphasizes the importance of actions accompanying faith and challenges those who claim faith but do not demonstrate it through good deeds. […]
This devotional by Duke Hergatt emphasizes the importance of the law in bringing people to Christ. It highlights the value of treating others with love and mercy and the judgment that will be based on adherence to this law. […]
This devotional by Bill Dowell discusses the importance of showing equal love and respect to all, regardless of their appearance or status in life. Jesus loves and died for all. […]
This devotional by Mike Randall discusses the importance of being a genuine follower of Jesus Christ by emphasizing the role of personal obedience, honesty, compassion, and maintaining a pure soul. […]
This devotional by Jim Baize highlights the adage of “walk the walk, talk the talk,” emphasizing that our actions should match our beliefs. James warns against self-deception by only hearing the Word without applying it. […]
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