Feature Article

Reasons for the Baptist Bible Fellowship

The following is from the very first issue of the Baptist Bible Tribune. It is rerun here in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the BBFI. This article was written by the new Tribune editor, Noel Smith. […]

Feature Article

The Split … the Fight … the Break

The following is taken from “The Beginnings: A Pictorial History of the Baptist Bible Fellowship, Volume 1,” written by Billy Vick Bartlett. It tells of the birth of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International during the week of May 22-24. […]

Feature Article

The Coming Pastoral Crash

I don’t want to be a prophet of doom, but as a minister in touch with many ministers, I see a coming pastoral crash. And I’m not sure we can stop it. The impact of the world response to COVID-19 will be felt for many years to come. It will be felt in every career field and in every home. This post does not diminish the hard work and adjustments being done by first responders, law enforcement, health care workers, and the educational structures. But from my perspective, those who serve in ministry are, in my thinking, in particular danger for several reasons. […]

Feature Article

1918 vs 2020: 5 Things We Can Learn from 1918 Church Leaders

While the time we are living in is definitely unique, it is not unprecedented.

In 1918 during the Spanish Flu epidemic, there was also a time when no churches could meet. In fact, on Monday, October 7, 1918, the Governor of Alabama, Charles Henderson, ordered the closing of ALL churches, schools, and theaters to avoid the spread of the virus that eventually killed about 675,000 Americans.

So how did church leaders in 1918 respond to such a crisis? And what can we learn from them? […]