Of all the Persons of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is perhaps the most misunderstood. While there is much more that should be said, the following truths are essential. […]
Of all the Persons of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is perhaps the most misunderstood. While there is much more that should be said, the following truths are essential. […]
Christology is the study of Jesus Christ. It includes Christ in eternity past, His incarnation, His suffering, death, and resurrection, His present work both on earth and in heaven, and His future work from rapture to eternity future. […]
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. If what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us, then Theology Proper cannot be more vital for us to study in this present day. […]
In the realm of religious beliefs, the first question that must be answered is this: “On what authority is doctrine to be based?” The Bible is “the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man” and “the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried.” […]
There are several reasons why the study of theology is essential. In this part 1 of 12 series on Rooted, several reasons for studying theology are discussed. […]
On September 29, 2019 Aurora Baptist Church of Aurora, MO celebrated its 70th anniversary. Nathan Burch is the senior pastor. Burch states, “It was a day full of celebration and excitement.” There were 360 in attendance […]
An integral part of the health of the Baptist Bible Fellowship is in the health of the state and regional fellowships. Many states meet monthly. Some have moved to hosting a combination of state-wide meetings, regional within their state, and regional, including several states. In the month of October, several states have had very successful meetings. Some featured guests from outside their state, others included speakers from within their state and one experimented in hosting an online meeting. […]
A recap of the town hall meeting held during the September 2019 National Fellowship Meeting. […]
The fall meeting of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International was held September 16-18 at Oak Hill Baptist Church in Somerset, KY. Gary Phelps, his staff, and the entire church worked extremely hard to prepare for the […]
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