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Coming to Us

It is estimated that nearly 50 million migrants currently reside in the USA. This diasporic population shift has prompted the government to be creative in addressing the various challenges that arise as these people transition […]

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President Perspective

500 Years Later

As I think about the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing of his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church there are a few things that come to mind. First, that the Bible […]

Urban Current

10 Largest Cities … and Who Cares

Tracking urban population can be tricky. Some numbers reference the city proper, others the entire metropolitan area. Also, there is the matter of people who are residing illegally, therefore remaining invisible and uncountable. #10 New […]


30 Ways to Pray for Your Pastor

Personal Prayer Needs Pray for their personal relationship with God. Pray that their time with God would be more than studying for a sermon. Pray for a fresh passion to know Jesus Christ. Pray that […]

On the Table

20th Issue

This issue of the Tribune marks my 20th issue as editor. Wow, how time flies! Probably the most common question I get asked is, “Do you miss being a pastor?” My answer is always the […]

Fellowship News

LIFT Ministries Impact Youth Worldwide

This summer, LIFT Ministries hosted summer youth camps in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas with over 100 students placing their faith in Christ as Savior. BBC’s worship team, Breakaway, travelled with LIFT Ministries to lead worship […]