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On the Table

What’s new is old

by Keith Bassham I have grown weary with the theology popularized in social media with phrasing like, “I love Jesus, but I don’t like religion,” or “Jesus is good, but churches are bad.”

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President Perspective

BBFI — The networking place

by Eddie Lyons I recently read an article written by Ron Edmondson entitled “7 Intangible, Seemingly Unproductive Actions Valuable in Leadership.” In his article, he says, “In order for the team to thrive, there are […]

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Worldwide Missions

Are you ready?

by Jon Konnerup Have you ever considered serving God in fulltime ministry? More specifically, is it possible the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart about missions? If so, there are things to think about, […]

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Church Planting

A great church planting story from Arkansas

by John A. Gross “Jesus’ central call demands we plant churches. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20 for instance) is not just a call for decisions for Christ, but to make disciples, to baptize, and to […]

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Baptist Bible College Update


by Mark Milioni One of my greatest memories of BBC is chapel services. My wife and I would take our seats in the Fieldhouse and chapel would begin with Wilma Boyd sounding the notes of […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Ad Maiora

by David Melton Forty of us from Boston Baptist College just returned from our study trip to Italy. Study trips lead up to the culmination of a great year of study. It’s hard to top […]

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Feature Article

15 steps to the resurrection

by Greg Baxter The Christian faith is unique because of Easter. The founder of every major religion except Christianity is dead and buried. Yes, Jesus Christ died a sacrificial death but he also rose from […]

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Baptist History

Frank W. Boreham — Pastor and author

by Doug Kutilek Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959), a native of England and raised by devout Christian parents, attended school through age 14, worked for wages for several years, and then went to London hoping to […]

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Urban Current

Thriving in an Urbanized World

by Charles Lyons Whatever your address, you live in an urbanized world. Cities run the world. The powers, ideas, and influences of urban centers impact every person on the planet.