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Worldwide Missions

Join us in Korea

by Jon Konnerup Word is spreading, interest is gaining, and people from all over the world are notifying the Mission Office they are coming to the BBFI Korea 2016 Global Meeting on March 14-17, 2016. […]

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Church Planting

Church planting in Boston

by John A. Gross If the greatest deterrent to growth in a church is leadership, then a close second is structure. As a church begins to grow, most are structured to choke out the growth. […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

New England thanks

by David Melton Up here in New England we tend to think we invented Thanksgiving. I know that true-ists will point out it was a Midwesterner, Abe Lincoln, who created the holiday. Historians won’t let […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

Everything has changed

by Mark Milioni It’s been said that a baby changes everything. I remembered this truth when our baby granddaughter came to visit. Having a baby in the house has changed everything … when we wake, […]

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Feature Article

Family Relationships

by Keith Bassham Reprinted with some revisions from Baptist Bible Tribune, January 15, 2003, and a chapter from the editor’s publication, Proverbs: Choosing Wisely. Clearly, God created man with not only the capacity but also […]

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Feature Article

Kisses in the belly of the beast

An excerpt from Happy Endings to Hard Days by Steve Van Winkle In 1996, my oldest daughter, Madison, was two beautiful-and-indescribably-cute years old, and my youngest daughter, Baylee, was a squirmy six months old.

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What’s in a name?

by Charles Lyons Denominational tags have fallen on hard times. History and tradition seem to be bad baggage these days. I would be surprised if you know of a new church that can be identified […]

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Baptist History

A. C. Dixon — Fervent, Fundamental, Faithful

by Doug Kutilek Amzi Clarence Dixon (1854-1925), largely forgotten today, was a leading Baptist in his day and the only man to pastor both Moody Memorial Church in Chicago and Spurgeon’s Tabernacle in London.

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Feature Article

Before you talk to a same-sex couple …

by Kevin Carson Are you prepared to minister to a homosexual? Can God use you to help someone committed to a homosexual lifestyle repent and change? Many pastors, missionaries, students, and others in the church […]

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A new normal

by Keith Bassham Two months ago, the Tribune published a response to the Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage throughout all the states. Among the observations, I indicated that those of us who hold […]