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President Perspective

Telling the story

by Eddie Lyons The story of Jesus is still compelling. The world still needs the Gospel. This generation needs it. Cultural changes in America have not made our country friendlier to the Gospel, but rather […]

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Church Planting

Detroit opportunity

by Dan Greer A 2011 University of New Mexico study report says, “Neighborhoods with churches present will have lower levels of crime than neighborhoods without churches.” At the National Fellowship Meeting in Detroit I accompanied […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

Remember, and give thanks

by Mark Milioni Thanksgiving always brings back grade-school memories of Pilgrims wearing black hats and white aprons and Native Americans wearing buckskin and feathered headdresses sharing a feast and giving thanks to God. They remembered, […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

A burger in Boston

by David Melton This is a season of feasting. To hear New Englanders tell it, we virtually invented turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. Who doesn’t love Thanksgiving — the meal and the event? But I […]

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Feature Article

Doing good in schools

by Rob Walker, Assistant Editor It’s 7:50 on a Tuesday night, as a handful of college-aged musicians finish warming up and make their way up the stairs of a stadium-style lecture hall on the campus […]

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Feature Article

How a Christian ought to vote

by Mike Randall, former editor of the Baptist Bible Tribune (1995-2002) The election this November will determine much for the future of this nation and the lives of its people. It will determine the leadership […]