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Baptist History

Joseph Murrow

American Indian Missionary for 72 years by Thomas Ray Joseph Murrow was born in 1835 in Richmond County, GA. His father, John Murrow, and three of his brothers were Baptist preachers. Joseph was converted in […]

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Urban Current

One Cross

by Charles Lyons Weeks ago the nation’s first black president stood in Washington, D.C. celebrating the 50th anniversary of the historic march on Washington and Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. That […]

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President Perspective

Nothing but manna?

by Linzy Slayden I have long felt that one of the particular temptations of the maturing Christian is the danger of getting accustomed to his blessings. Like the world traveler who has been everywhere and […]

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On the Table

Forty years in the ministry

by Keith Bassham It just dawned on me a few days ago that I have been “officially” in the ministry 40 years. I spent the summer between my first and second year at BBC with […]

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Worldwide Missions

Missionary kids

by Jon Konnerup It is said that each year five percent of the worldwide missionary force returns home and resigns, yet 70 percent of these cases are preventable. If we take a more proactive approach […]

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Church Planting

Fall Church Planter’s Candidate School

by Wayne Guinn The next NCPO candidate school will be hosted at Bible Baptist Church of Wilmington, OH, October 7-11, 2013. Host pastor Kelly McInerney has included some unique material in this school. There is […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

The White House

by Mark Milioni There is an old familiar house on the east side of our campus. This little house is very old and has been in rough shape for decades, to the point of being […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

Doing it right

by David Melton I have learned something about myself in the past couple of years. I think Major League Baseball has been my teacher. Anybody who knows me at all knows that I am a […]

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Global Partners

The theology of risk

by Jon Konnerup BBFI Mission Director Danger for Christ’s sake is both a past and present reality. When thinking of such danger, we think of martyrs of the past. It is estimated that 70 million […]

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On the Table

Risky behavior

by Keith Bassham I was moved several times reading over the Global Partners section of this magazine, as I am sure you will be. The stories of courage and endurance, along with the spiritual warnings, […]