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Boston Baptist College Update

What students taught me

by David Melton Early on Wednesday morning of the recent BBF meeting in Canton, I had an appointment — at a truck stop! I was meeting the bus of Boston students as they headed back […]

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Feature Article

Psalm 51 – the backstory

First in a series of studies on Psalm 51 by Keith Bassham I love the Bible. And not just for its spiritual value. That is a given, of course. We are enjoined to consume the […]

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Feature Article


by Steve Van Winkle Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, Bozeman, MT I stood on this late Saturday night in the parking lot taking in the lights flashing blue-white-red-blue-white-red and watched the smoke ooze up over […]

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The Christian and citizenship

An excerpt from an address given by Tribune Founder Noel Smith at a meeting of the Fundamental Baptist Congress of North America and subsequently published in The Biblical Faith of Baptists: Book IV, Regular Baptist […]

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Urban Current

Nothing new

by Charles Lyons Urban ministry is no contemporary phenomenon. From the first centu­ry through the Middle Ages, during and following The Industrial Revolution right into modern times, urban congregations have engaged in great exploits for […]

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Baptist History

Mary Webb

The overcomer by Thomas Ray The name Mary Webb is almost unknown among Baptists. However, this tiny little woman, confined to a wheel­chair, probably did more than any other woman to arouse the Baptist denomination […]

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On the Table

2012 and beyond

by Keith Bassham The world was swirling as the Tribune went to press this month. The Democrats and Republicans had just finished their nominating conventions. The Middle East, always near the flash point, is making […]

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President Perspective

The Christian and the ballot box

by Linzy Slayden William Paterson, one of the signers of the United States Consti­tution, and a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, said that juries should always be reminded of this text of the Bible: […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

Our turn to bless you

by Mark Milioni If you are like me, there have been those times in life when you were in such a place that you absolutely needed God to do something. Going through the death of […]