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Feature Article

Advice to the Missionary Candidates

(Note: we have left the spelling, grammar, and punctuation much as they were first published in The Life of Adoniram Judson by his son Edward Judson. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, 1883.) […]

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Feature Article

New biography of J. Frank Norris released

by Michael E. Schepis As the movements who were influenced by the controversial Baptist leader, J. Frank Norris, grow older, there is also a renewed interest in Mr. Norris. Among those publishing studies about him […]

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On the Table

Help us balance the books

by Keith Bassham I am taking an Accounting Concepts for Managers course these days, and so I am paying more attention than usual to the flow of numbers and reports from the business side of […]

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President Perspective

People of the Book

by Linzy Slayden The Greek philosopher, Plato, once said there are three valid sources of knowledge: The five senses – touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound Reason – that which sets us apart from the […]

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Worldwide Missions

BBFI Global Prayer Week

by Jon Konnerup The Great Commission was given to the church. That means every member of every church has a role to play in this task given by Jesus Himself. If we are in Christ, […]

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Church Planting

Candidate school great success

by Jason Todd Wow! What an amazing week! The National Church Planting Office held its Church Planter’s Candidate School at Orlan­do Baptist Church in Orlando, FL, this last week (January 23-27). We want to thank […]

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Baptist Bible College Update

God can be trusted in times of change

by Ron Sears God’s economy offers hope that is founded on life’s certainties: seedtime and harvest; day followed by night; life leading to eternity; heaven and hell; all proving the eternal certainty of God — […]

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Boston Baptist College Update

In appreciation of Judson

by David Melton I was an undergrad when my brother-in-law, James Nash, first got me to read the little Moody Press biography of Adoniram Judson. From that moment I was hooked. I would have been […]

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On the Table

This Tribune is about the Tribune

by Keith Bassham Pardon us as the Tribune departs a little from its mission this month. We generally talk about the Fellowship with little self-awareness, but this month we’re talking up the Tribune. The feature […]

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Feature Article

Baptists have always been publishers

by Keith Bassham I came to faith in Jesus Christ in my teens. I had little to no background in religion, and everything associated with serious Christianity and Baptists was new to me. At about […]