Month: August 2011

by James G. Smith In two of the five times the Lord gave us the Great Commission, He used the word preach. Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. […]

What interest does the government have in marriage?
While there is a valid state interest in marriage, government should not be tinkering around with it. by Glenn T. Stanton Director for Family Formation Studies – Focus on the Family If you’ve paid any […]

Seven 24 — A journey of prayer
by Ken Barner Associate Pastor at Crossroads Ministires/Library Baptist, Pittsburgh, PA For several years I have been trying to reach the “twenty-somethings,” but it seemed no one was interested. I thought, “This is just the […]

A Fellowship of joy
by Linzy Slayden Happiness comes from an old English word happ which literally means “chance.” It corresponds with the Latin word fortuna which means “luck.” If things happen the way we want them to happen, […]

New information to consider
by Jon Konnerup A topic being widely discussed today is how younger generations are more interested in participating in tangible mission projects than in giving a fixed monthly amount of money. Well, the BBFI has […]

The other way NCPO helps churches
by Wayne Guinn The NCPO does a variety of work in the BBFI, among them, working with existing churches, helping them to rethink their finances, and find solutions to get them on their feet again. […]

A place like Boston
by David Melton Like so many days, I spent last night traveling home — to Boston. On the way home I thought a good bit about the National BBFI Meeting we are privileged to host […]

Next generation leaders
by Jim Edge The administration and faculty of Baptist Bible College recognizes an important priority. Through our Comprehensive Enrollment Management Plan, we understand that every person on campus becomes a recruiter of students. The fantastic […]