Month: December 2009

Let’s reclaim our future…together!
by Jim Edge BBFI President Mark Hodges has called upon our Fellowship to pray for revival. Our officers, pastors, church leaders, and missionaries are praying for a moving of the Holy Spirit that will grip […]

Searcy highlights Boston “Ignite” forum
by Wayne Guinn What a great Ignite Church Planting Forum we had at Boston Baptist College on November 16-17! We would like to thank Dave Melton, Ken Gillming, Randy Ward, and all the students and […]

International Global Meeting 2011
by Jon Konnerup I was visiting with Jun Lumagbas in a Starbucks in Cebu, Philippines. Jun is the associate pastor of Bible Baptist Church — Cebu. When I shared an idea I had been praying […]

Revival requires unity
by Mark Hodges Sixty years ago, a group of Baptists came together to form a fellowship of pastors known today as the Baptist Bible Fellowship. This Fellowship has been successful in training young people for the […]

With Good Reason
Bumper Stickers, athiests, and little old ladies by Keith Bassham God said it. I believe it. That settles it. Nice sentiment, no? Not exactly a Hallmark moment, but I’ve heard it quoted (both in and […]

Global Partners: The Journey to Becoming a Missionary of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International
By James G. Smith – BBFI Associate Mission Director Some of our earliest childhood memories have to do with playing games. From the start of the game when we choose the color of our token, […]

Don Jose Espinosa
The man who wouldn’t quit by Thomas Ray In 1934, a 32-year-old Jewish woman discovered she was pregnant — her 10th pregnancy. Her plan was to obtain an abortion, just as she had with her […]

J. Curtis Goldman: One-of-a-kind pastor
By Keith Bassham From the Baptist Bible Tribune, February 15, 2002. J. Curtis Goldman claimed that had he been born February 12, he would have been named Abraham, after the 16th president of the United […]

I’m here to interview for The Biggest Loser
By Ed Chavis – Associate Pastor of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church, Augusta, GA With that self-incriminating, quite humiliating statement, my life was about to be turned upside down. For the third year now, our local NBC […]